Students observe multiple classes of dairy heifers and cows and evaluate and rank them according to the judging skills they have learned. They then prepare and recite a set of reasons defending their rankings to a judge. For more information about dairy cattle evaluation, click here.
FFA encourages students to participate in Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs) so they can develop specialized skills in a career. GDYF sponsors Georgia FFA Proficiency Awards for those who excel in their SAEs. For more information, click here.
The Southeast Dairy Youth Retreat is a social and educational week-long camp in the summer that invites students ages 8 to 19 from seven southeastern states to learn about the dairy industry across the Southeast while meeting others who are passionate about dairy. For more information, click here.
Georgia's dairy youth qualify for multiple scholarships. To find out more and how to apply, click here.
University of Georgia dairy science students compete in judging contests, participate in the National Dairy Challenge, hold Dairy Fun Night for UGA students, host shows, and assist in 4-H and FFA dairy competitions. For more information, click here.
Why get involved in activities outside the show ring? See this article about the benefits of dairy youth involvement!
Beyond the show-ring: opportunities for dairy youth by Jeffrey Bewley