Meet Anna Bass, Junior Member Recruitment Chairperson

Meet Anna, the girl in charge of encouraging new junior members to join GDYF.
After showing dairy for six years, Anna Bass’s passion for showing commercial dairy heifers and the dairy industry led her to join the Georgia Dairy Youth Foundation’s Junior Board of Directors. As a tenth grade home school student, Anna is serving as the Junior Board’s junior member recruitment chairperson. As chairperson she hopes to encourage younger members to become involved with the organization that helped her find the thing she is most passionate about- showing dairy. When asked what her favorite dairy youth activity was, Anna quickly responded that she loved attending the Georgia National Fair in October. This event brings two of her favorite things together at one time and place- showing her heifers and the fair. Although she found a home within dairy youth in Georgia, Anna hopes to one day become a nurse practitioner.
Fun Facts about Anna
Hobbies: Clogging and CAP-Civil Air Protocol
Favorite Food: Cheeseburgers