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Meet Keshon Winns

Meet Keshon Winns GDYF Junior Board Officer

Hello my name is Keshon Winns. I am the 16 year old son of Missy Kelly and the late Ronnie Winns of Waynesboro, Georgia. I am a junior at Burke County High School. I'm excited to say this is my 3rd year as a Georgia Dairy Youth Junior Board Officer and I can hardly wait to get started.

I am active in Beta Club, Art Club, Band, BCHS Livestock Show team, Youth Mayor Council Board, Rosemont Baptist Church Youth group and Vice President of my FFA Chapter under the leadership of advisors Allie Crockett and Joseph Jones.

I joined GDYF in hopes to introduce the agricultural industry to others and help mentor the younger FFA/4-H members about the love of show life and the family bond throughout the show barn. I would love to see more exhibitors in the show barn.

I remember not so long ago entering Middle School when my Ag teacher introduced me to FFA and the

agricultural industry. I was immediately hooked, that's where my love for livestock started and hasn't stopped. Being an upperclassman my goal is to encourage younger people to become active and learn more about the dairy industry in hopes of them eventually entering show life. I am a 7 year exhibitor of Commercial Dairy heifers, 5 years goats and 4 years sheep. I love the atmosphere in the show barn and the challenge of the competition. The work, sweat, love for the animals and determination that goes into getting show animals trained and ready is amazing. Being an exhibitor has taught me what discipline is all about.

My plans after graduation are to attend ABAC and pursue a degree in the Ag Industry.

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